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Monday - August 25, 2008

Less than a week away


ESPN.com has it on their list of intriguing games.

Posted by jcraven at 3:37 PM | Sports

Wednesday - August 20, 2008

Cole Edward Patton

Our nephew Cole was born today. He was 9lb. 10oz. and 20in. long. Everyone is doing well.

I've uploaded pictures here.

Posted by jcraven at 11:41 PM | Misc

Tuesday - August 19, 2008

Jury Duty

Today, I had the joy of being called for my first Jury Duty. Obviously I can't share any details, but it's actually not that bad. Unfortunately, it looks like I'll be there for another day or two though.

Posted by jcraven at 7:46 PM | Misc

Monday - August 18, 2008

The day the TV died

Yesterday the lamp (bulb) died on my TV. It lasted about 6.5 years so I'm not complaining too much, but I had to order a new one on the internet. Apparently there aren't any stores locally that carry the replacements.

Grrrr, no TV for the next couple days.

Posted by jcraven at 3:33 PM | Television

Thursday - August 14, 2008


This year DirecTV is offering a PPV package for BlizzCon. Dorks everywhere rejoice. Details here.

DIRECTV Package Includes:

Posted by jcraven at 10:30 AM | Video Games

Monday - August 11, 2008

Olympic fun

So far, the Olympics have been entertaining, but when I am annoyed when I see stories like this.

UPDATE: Ok, so if that wasn't bad enough, now you have this. "Lin was lip-syncing to the sound of another girl, 7-year-old Yang Peiyi, who was heard but not seen, apparently because she was deemed not cute enough." Not cute enough? That's a little insane.

Posted by jcraven at 5:46 PM | Sports

Monday - August 4, 2008

Lazy weekend

We didn't do much this weekend. We watched the X Games, and did some tax-free shopping. Other than that, I think this picture sums up the weekend.


Posted by jcraven at 12:05 PM | Misc