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Tuesday - December 11, 2007
Xbox Fun
Just in time for the Holidays......
Last week Microsoft released their Fall Dashboard update. Full details here. There are several new features, but the most important one for me is video support for DivX and XviD. I tried out an XviD file on a USB flash disk and it worked great. I would assume streaming it would yield similar results. Another interesting feature is the ability to download Xbox Original games directly to the hard drive. Right now they only have a handful of games, but the concept is cool if you never had an Xbox. Pricing is 1,200 points ($15).
Also, today Bungie released the new Heroic Map pack. The price is 800 points ($10), but will be free in 6 months or so. I'm impatient, so I'll prob drop the cash on it. Full FAQ here. Halo 3 sales have topped 5 million, so I'm sure this will give Microsoft a nice revenue boost regardless.
Posted by jcraven at December 11, 2007 2:03 PM