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Sunday - July 29, 2007
Circuit City sucks
So about 9 months ago, I was pretty excited since they built a Circuit City within a mile of my house. Well I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I've been to the store 3 times now, and walked away empty handed each time. The 3 strikes were:
1) I needed a part for my DirecTV satellite dish. After I didn't see it on the shelf, I asked a sales guy who had no idea what I was asking about. He just looked at me like a lost puppy dog.
2) I check for inventory of either the 120GB hard drive for the 360, or the 360 elite on launch day. Nada on both accounts. I head to Best Buy and pick up the drive.
3) Today, I wake up and I'm first in the door for this Sunday deal. They have 1 sitting on the shelf. I decide against getting the expensive 4000 pt card, and getting the 1600 card free. I then head to the CC that's 10 minutes away, and of course they don't have any either. Again, I walk away empty handed. (BTW, the sales associate recommended the nearby EB Games or Target if I wanted the cards..... lovely)
No wonder these guys are bleeding money, (their stock is down more than 50% over the past year). I could probably get over number 1 and 2 since they're a relatively small store. But, if you're going to advertise a special in your mailer, and include a nice little picture, you better have more than 1 in stock. Idiots.
Posted by jcraven at July 29, 2007 1:21 PM