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Tuesday - April 10, 2007
All good things come to an end
Back in January 2006, I started playing World of Warcraft. Finally yesterday, I let my account expire. I'm sure Lara is elated, but at the same time it's a little sad. I made some friends over the past year, and have put in many (too many?) hours building my characters. I uninstalled the game today, and will probably get rid of the account to rid me of the temptation to sign back up. Why did I quit? Basically comes down to the fact that I wasn't having much fun anymore. After the expansion came out, it was great. Lots of new stuff to do. Now, I've pretty much seen all the single-player content in the game at least once, and I've become tired of having to find a group to do anything else to progress. Additionally, I was really annoyed by some of the newer faces in the guild, and I just got fed up. I guess Blizzard did a decent enough job though, as this is by far the most I've ever played a single game.
Posted by jcraven at April 10, 2007 2:40 PM
Now you can finally have time to finish your novel :-).
Posted by: Scott at April 10, 2007 6:35 PM