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Wednesday - February 28, 2007
Random website enhancements
First off, I have Snap Preview running on my main page. It's a neat little trick I found on Scott's WordPress page. Basically just mouse over any external link, and you'll see a historical screenshot of the site. Nifty.
Second, I installed a Moveable Type plugin called CCode/TCode. This plugin is great, but only handy for myself, and other MT blog owners. It adds a hidden input field on each individual page that makes it very tough for spam bots to leave comment or trackback spam. I set mine up about a week ago, and have not received a single comment spam since. Previously I would get 10-20 per day. It's great because it doesn't impact your normal users, that leave valid comments.
Posted by jcraven at February 28, 2007 2:41 PM