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Monday - October 23, 2006
GNR tour starts tomorrow
Guns N' Roses is touring again after a decade of silence. I know, it's not really GNR, as the only guys from the original band are Axl and Dizzy. The rest of the band (Slash, Duff, and Matt) are part of Velvet Revolver, but I don't care. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town for the only stop in NC. I'm hoping the first leg of the tour is successful enough to get a second leg. The first part of the tour includes both Sebastian Bach and Papa Roach as openers. I have to admit it, GNR is in my top 3 favorite bands, and I still have some old cassettes laying around somewhere. Click here for the full tour schedule.
Posted by jcraven at October 23, 2006 3:59 PM