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Monday - August 28, 2006
Game crazy
Over the weekend, I was definitely a bum. I spent most of the time playing video games of some sort. Texas Hold 'em on the 360 is actually quite fun and you can play against 7 other people online. I also played through the first 2 levels of Tomb Raider: LEGEND, also on the 360. I was lucky enough to pick it up from Best Buy for a mere $30, which is half of MSRP.
In WoW, I did a couple of guild runs and picked up some nice loot. My favorite was the Book of Ferocious Bite V, which was just created in the latest patch a week ago. I also picked up Blackhand's Breadth and the unpronounceable Zandalar Haruspex's Bracers.
Posted by jcraven at August 28, 2006 3:43 PM