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Monday - July 17, 2006
Video game addiction
I've created a monster. Lara is hooked on New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS. She actually beat the final boss over the weekend without any assistance. That's pretty impressive. The game itself is fantastic if you're a fan of the original SMB. It's also nice because it has 3 separate save-game files, so we can keep our own individual progress. In between Mario sessions, she's also been playing Brain Age. She's played it much more than I have, and so far I don't have an opinion on this game either positive or negative.
Now on to my own addiction, WoW. Over the weekend, I maxed out my reputation with Stormpike Guard and as a result have a nifty new trinket, and epic mount. The epic mount is a great pickup since now I can travel almost twice as fast around the various areas. Other than that, I didn't play much. I also decided to preorder the Burning Crusade expansion pack.
Posted by jcraven at July 17, 2006 2:01 PM
I am a video game monster!!!
Posted by: Lara at July 17, 2006 5:07 PM