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Wednesday - May 10, 2006
WoW expansion pack
NYTimes has an article about the upcoming WoW expansion pack named 'The Burning Crusade'. At E3 today, they finally announced the new race for the Alliance, and it's a demon called Draenei. This goes along with the Horde's new race, the Blood Elves. Unfortunately there's no firm release date, simply Q4 2006. Overall, it looks like some pretty nice additions to the game, and the video preview gives a nice summary of them all. I like the last quote in the article:
My biggest hope is that for fans of World of Warcraft, the Burning Crusade will be the only game that’s better than World of Warcraft. Our biggest goal with it is to ensure that there is a lot of content that caters to everyone’s play style. We have a lot of people with a lot of different ways of playing the game, and we want everyone to feel like they’re getting what they need.
Posted by jcraven at May 10, 2006 3:02 PM