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Sunday - September 4, 2005
Travel fun
I've had pretty good luck in the past with my flights. Unfortunately today, on my return trip from SFO, my flight was delayed by 5 hours. Lara already had a different flight through Chicago, so she was fine. They changed Anna's flight easily at the front gate to the Chicago connection. Scott and I were still stuck, until we sought the help of a very nice lady at the gate (sorry I wish I knew her name). She was able to get us on the standby list for the Chicago connection. They start boarding the plane, and finally call us to the desk to tell us there is just barely room on the plane....YAY!. Well the catch is that the cabin is booked, so they had to put both of us in First Class. Now for those of you, like myself, have never flown FC, let me give you a rundown.
First they bring you a bowl of warm/toasted assorted nuts, not just your standard fare, but the good stuff like cashews and pistachios. To wash that down they provide any type of drink on the menu. I decided to go for my usual Rum and Coke, which turns out to be a limitless supply. Later, they bring out a meal (coach had none), where the choice was a roast beef sandwich or cheese pizza. I went with the pizza, and it also included a salad, dessert, and glass of wine. After the meal they bring around a heated towel to clean up. Also, since this was a Boeing 767, there was a TON of room. I could not kick the seat in front of me if I tried, the seat fully reclined and included a footrest. Of course there are a handful of other minor details, but you get the idea. On the second leg of the flight, we were no longer in First Class, but we did at least get the exit row for some extra room.
I'll definitely hold my allegiance to American after all their help. A+
Posted by jcraven at September 4, 2005 10:36 PM