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Saturday - July 23, 2005
Block fever
Today I decided to trade in an old game at EB Games, and pick up Meteos. This is a very addictive puzzle game created by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the same guy that created the PSP hit Lumines. Everything about the game is nearly perfect. The colors, and music are catchy, and it's just hard to put down. I've already played over 3 hours on the single player game. There's also a wireless mutliplayer version, that I haven't tried out yet.
On a related note, this is probably the last time I'll trade in a game at EB Games. I could have gotten more money via eBay, but would have sacrificed some convenience. Regardless, I'll probably go the eBay route next time.
Posted by jcraven at July 23, 2005 8:03 PM
Sounds pretty good. Do you see yourself playing it for very long? IE does the gameplay stay fresh enough to last more than a few weeks?
Posted by: Scott at July 24, 2005 9:02 PM
Honestly, it may not. There are 32 planets to unlock though, so there is a reason to keep playing.....
Posted by: Jeff at July 24, 2005 9:08 PM
If it doesn't get edited out, came across these Meteos cheats at 1up.com
Posted by: Scott at July 25, 2005 10:36 AM