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Saturday - April 9, 2005
Go Sox
Last night we went to see Fever Pitch. Overall it was an enjoyable 'chick flick'. Of course it had the standard pattern for a movie like this.
1.) Boy meets girl
2.) Boy falls in love with girl
3.) Boy and girl have a big fight and split up
4.) Boy gets girl in some elaborate scene
5.) Boy and girl live happily ever after
There's quite a few funny spots (it is directed by the Farrelly Brothers afterall), and overall I would recommend it to most folks. But if you're going to watch this strictly for the sports, you'll probably be somewhat disappointed. They pretty much gloss over the Sox's amazing run at the end of last year. I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5.
Posted by jcraven at April 9, 2005 3:50 PM