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Monday - December 20, 2004
Early Christmas
Over the weekend we visited Lara's family to celebrate Christmas and exchange gifts. I received two GameCube games.... Donkey Konga and Metroid Prime 2 Echoes. Donkey Konga is really entertaining. Lara and I played it for several hours last night. I'm going to try to find an extra Bongo controller so make two player more interesting. It's not quite the same when using the standard controller's buttons. It will definately be a game to bring out when we have guests over for poker and such. Haven't had a chance to open Metroid 2 yet though......
We also got some other great gifts including a tool set and a bunch of clothes for Lara. All in all we are very grateful.
As a side note, I gained 4 pounds over the weekend. Damn holiday junk food.
Posted by jcraven at December 20, 2004 4:01 PM