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Wednesday - December 29, 2004
AVS-5811 getting RMA'd
Previously, I mentioned that I bought the AVS-5811 5.8 GHz Audio & Video Transmission System. Well for some reason the remote repeater has stopped functioning. The audio/video comes through fine, but you can't change channels while downstairs. Matter of fact, it is shooting out some kind of interference that causes the remote to fail while standing directly in front of the TiVo. If you turn off the AVS-5811, the remote suddenly starts working again. Very odd. Anyway, I've got an RMA request for buy.com to send a replacement. I'll update the site with the results of the new unit.
Posted by jcraven at December 29, 2004 4:13 PM
Do you know who the manufacturer is or their address? I need more information on the type of IR supported. Some remotes work fine and others do not work at all. The remotes that fail appear to be the "universal" type. Google is no help and my product is labeled as VEINTEK in boxes with no manufacturer listed. No address no warranty? No problem!!
Posted by: Martin Blackshaw at April 29, 2006 8:27 PM