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Saturday - November 13, 2004
What were they thinking?
G4TechTV has fired everyone on "The Screen Savers" except Kevin and Sarah. The official thread is here. They also canceled "Unscrewed", but I don't know anybody that watches that anyway. More info can also be found at Kevin's and Alex's websites.
Posted by jcraven at November 13, 2004 12:38 PM
Ahh, Forum trivel.
The kind of people who post there will always have something negative to say no matter what.
I watched the new TSS the first week or so that it was on. Alex was pretty loose and really wasn't a great resource for tech info the way Leo or Pat were. Yoshi, while he did really cool mods, really shouldn't be on TV. Dan, other than being Kevin's friend, can't get his lines right without stuttering 8 million times.
Either way it is pretty crappy to let people go after such a short time. They have uprooted their lives in the move from SF to LA. While TechTV has tech in the name, it's not a Tech company as much as it is show business. It's 3rd Tier Hollywood.
Posted by: Scott at November 14, 2004 11:21 AM
For the most part, I totally agree. Honestly, I never really cared much for Alex. I found him rather annoying. Also, obviously the show was having issues. I'm pretty sure ratings have declined pretty fast since the merger.
I guess the main thing is that those folks that moved from SF to LA really got the raw end of the deal.....
Posted by: Jeff at November 15, 2004 9:24 AM