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Friday - May 13, 2005


Last night's launch party on MTV for the Xbox 360 was pretty boring. I guess it's exactly what most MTV viewers were expecting though. First of all, why was Frodo hosting the show? It started off with a fairly lengthy performance by The Killers. Then they introduced the hardware for the 360. It was pretty much the same as all the leaked photos I had seen. They confirmed the controllers will be wireless, the games will be in true HD, and there will be replacement faceplates to customize the look. Other than that, you learned very little about the new system. Half of the show consisted of 4 professional gamers (ie, nobody you would know), playing deathmatch. They were annoying, and I fast forwarded through most of it. They did show some clips of upcoming games, and Madden 06 looked amazing. All in all, a disappointment, but I'm looking forward to E3. You can view pictures of the hardware here.

Posted by jcraven at May 13, 2005 7:32 AM